Just Comfy Contact

Get In Touch!

You will find an email form below that you are welcome to use to contact us at any time. We aim to reply within 24 hours, but will get back to you as soon as we can.

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Your First Choice

There is a bewildering choice of companies providing bedding and soft furnishings but, in choosing Just Comfy, you can be assured of the finest quality and the best service. Our staff are at your beck and call and we will remain in touch with you for as long as you need us to guarantee complete satisfaction with your purchases and shopping experience.

Service and Satisfaction

At Just Comfy, we like you to feel that we are just a click or a call away to help you solve any issues you have with our products or delivery, or just to advise you on the best choice for your home. Our focus is on your satisfaction so that you can focus on your needs and know that you are in safe hands.

Need To Know Something?

Check out our information pages if you want to know more about our products, services, company policies and ethics. Our aim is to be open and informative so that you can shop with us with confidence, happy in the knowledge that your experience with us will be secure and ethically appropriate.


We love to hear from you, so do come back to us and leave a review once you have received your purchases. You are welcome to share photos too, allowing us to appreciate the style and unique character of your home.

Stay in Touch!

We believe that once you have shopped with Just Comfy you will want to return to meet your future needs. So do check our channels for news of new products and special offers so that you are not missing out.